by - December 09, 2018

 There are some people in this world who fight an unseen battle within themselves, with a smile on their face. They never cry about the intricacies of life. They know how to keep themselves happy and away from unhappiness. We call these persons warriors because they know the value of life. They know how to face the difficulties of life. These type of people are way better than other people in this world, not knowing the value of life.
  There is nothing unusual in the government’s lack of interest in follow up measures, and this attitude is the main factor in the denial of the benefits of the international human rights system to the people of Pakistan. The media, has too ignored this matter. It seems that the people with handicaps are neglected all around the country.
  The biggest problem that person with disabilities face in Pakistan is that the social environment and the people’s culture. Many persons’ disabilities are aggravated by society’s attitude towards them. The lives of big number of people are spoiled and their potential of doing something good is lost. These persons include who have long-term mental, physical or sensory impairments.
  If a person limps he must be called ‘langra’; if a person lost an eye, he must be summoned as ‘Kana’. The government should need to coordinate their effort to cure their unhealthy behavior towards the disabled....
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